Sunday, August 16, 2009

Meet the Parents : )

Last night we went to dinner at Mimi's Cafe with Zach's parents and my mama. It was the first time we have all met, but I think it went really well. :) Then again, my mother loves EVERYONE, but, seriously, I think everyone got along and liked each other. That's not to say things got off to any easy start...

En route our tire blew out...and it was a brand new tire! I didn't even realize it had blown; I thought we were just driving over a very rough patch on the Interstate. *lol* We were two exits away right by the Rodney Parham exit, and it was a very busy part of the Interstate because it was right after the on-ramp at Cantrell and right before the next exit. So Zach's parents came to help with the tire. (I know how to change a tire, too, but I was wearing a dress and heels--not really practical clothing to work on cars on a busy road.) His dad helped him out while his mom and I went ahead to the restaurant because my mama was running late and had just arrived. We sat inside and talked and talked while Zach and his dad put the doughnut on, came and picked up the other car, and drove to Sears on University to get the other tire patched. We were supposed to have dinner at 5, but we didn't end up sitting down until around 6:30. *lol*

Anyway, I showed them my bouquet that Erin had made. I love it! It is a hydrangea bouquet with four different kinds of ribbon wound through the flowers. Erin tied all the ribbon into bows at the back for a very nice finish. Here are some pictures; they are not the best because I took them on my phone.

We also hand-delivered their invitations, which they loved. We have to get some more pearls to finish the last batch tomorrow because Hobby Lobby is closed today. After we look at rings and go register at Target and Wal-Mart today, we are working on the envelopes and mailing labels so most of them can be sent off tomorrow! Cha-cha-cha!

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